Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Additional Explanation of Magnet Review/Revisions

Dear Evansdale Parent,

As many of you know, Evansdale’s School Council has been working on formulating a proposal to revise Evansdale’s Magnet program. The goal of this revision is to maximize student achievement for all students at Evansdale Elementary.

We recognize that this is an extremely important and difficult issue.  While we have asked for participation from specific groups (“in-district magnet parents,” “out-of-district magnet parents,” and “non-magnet parents”) to ensure that everyone’s view was heard, we ask you to please keep in mind that we are one school and can accomplish more together than divided. 

We hope the following information provides you with an overview of how and why we got here, and where we are today.

Why do we have to revise our Magnet program?
DCSD’s final budget they presented this past summer eliminated all funding for the Evansdale Magnet program, with the exception of transportation for non-resident students.

How did Evansdale keep the Magnet program going this year?
Since maintaining the Magnet program at its current structure requires paying for a full-time science lab teacher and a full-time French teacher, Evansdale funded both positions this year by reallocating dollars the county originally earmarked for Evansdale to hire a part-time school counselor and an Early Intervention Program (EIP) teacher.

The principal requested funds from the Evansdale Education Foundation to pay for an EIP teacher so that this service would not be lost from the school. However, Evansdale did not have enough funds to hire a part-time school counselor.

Will DCSD continue to cut our budget?
The budget for next year is unknown, but further budget cuts are anticipated given the current DCSD deficit.

Where can I get a copy of the proposal?
The proposal can be found here in English: 
 And here in Spanish:
The proposal is also available in the front office.

How are you ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to be heard and that important information is made available in a timely manner?
We have tried to accomplish this by using a variety of methods and resources—emails, focus groups, couriers, School Council bulletin board, The Eagle, Facebook, the front office, Evansdale’s school web site (  and PTA website ( . 

Last week, we held six focus groups to learn more about your thoughts, opinions, and experiences. The groups reviewed the current Magnet program, its history, and the proposed changes for the 2013-2014 Magnet program. Conducted by Dr. Boza, director of leadership and development in DeKalb County School District (DCSD), these focus groups were open to all Evansdale parents, staff, teachers and community members. 

As you can see below, we had representation from the following groups:
·       Out-of-district Magnet parents:   12
·       In district Magnet parents:    27
·       Non-Magnet parents:    31
·       Parents of children in both Magnet and non-Magnet:   less than 10
·       Community member representatives:    10
·       Evansdale Teachers/Staff:  37

We have also received numerous emails/letters of opinion which will be considered along with those collected during the focus groups.

Most recently, we sent out a call for final comments through the PTA email blast system as well as through the room parent representatives. Communication must be received by November 8th in order to be considered at the meeting. Email comments to

When will a decision be made?
The School Council will review and revise the proposal regarding the expansion of the Magnet Program at its November 13th meeting at 5 P.M. in the Media Center at Evansdale.  If a proposal is agreed upon by the School Council, it will be presented to DCSD by Dr. McGuire with a request to make the proposed changes for the 2013-2014 school year.  This proposal will affect ALL EVANSDALE STUDENTS.

Can I attend the November 13th School Council meeting?
Yes. Evansdale’s School Council generally meets the first Tuesday of every month) at 5 p.m. in the Media Center.  The November meeting is occurring on the second Tuesday due to Election Day.  These meetings are open to the public; however, meetings are not open to public comment unless the individual has requested placement on the agenda at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. 

Where can I get minutes from the past School Council meetings?
Minutes from the School Council meetings are posted on the information board at the school (in the first grade hallway) and at the school’s website: The minutes and other School Council information are also available on the School Council’s blog:  http://edaleschoolcouncil.blogspot.come.  Minutes are always posted within 20 days of a School Council meeting on the bulletin board.  Minutes are published to the web after approval at the following month’s meeting.
What role does the School Council play in revising the Magnet program?
The School Council provides advice and recommendations to the school principal and, where appropriate, the local board of education and local school superintendent on any matter related to student achievement and school improvement. 

Evansdale School Council is made up of 11 members (six elected parents or guardians of Evansdale students, two local business persons, two teachers and the school principal) who meet monthly to provide advice, recommendations, and assistance to Dr. McGuire and our county board of education. School Council members serve two-year terms and elections occur in the spring of each year.  All individuals with a child at Evansdale are eligible to run for a position on School Council and to vote in the election.

Here is biographical information about your School Council representatives:

Please know that your ideas and concerns matter and will be considered. If you have additional questions or concerns, please email the School Council at   

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